Protest, HRC, and My Investment Portfolio

I like to think of my advocacy/political work in much of the same way as I think of how to invest my money. I see activism as an investment in my community and my future….

HRC3 ≠ Bright Future For Transgenders

“This is a story of the lives and loves, and hopes and dreams, of young Batswana [sic] in the context of the changing cultural norms and values of modern times. Each of the dancers are…

Activism Leaders Leading Towards the Door

“We’re setting sail to the place on the map from which no one has ever returned ….”  — Ship of Fools, World Party It was just Tuesday that I read in the press that Gay/Lesbian/Straight…

ENDA Three Card Draw

With passage of The Matthew Shepard Act in the Senate on Thursday, it should have been a time for celebration. But on the heels of the victory came the news that gender identity could possibly…

Déjà Vu All Over Again!?! Do We Hafta???

“So I get on my knees and pray … we won’t get fooled again!” — the Who Fresh on the heels of Southern Comfort Conference (SCC), many of the transgender community reveled in what seemed…